Red Maples Instagram pages for people who do not have Instagram.
Progress being made ... framing the cupola.
Front half of a complete remodel using @james_hardie products. This is the pre-finished siding. Colors are great.
#myHardieHome #craftsmanhome
A complete remodel using @james_Hardie siding. I love the way it came out.
#myhardiehome #craftsmanhome
The progress continues on this fire rebuild. The interior view of the waterfall under the house is taking shape and will be a big part of the final design as intended. Here's a look from the mezzanine. #redmaplearchitects #kenbermanart #waterfall #mezzanine
One of our fire rebuid projects under construction. #redmaplearchitects #kenbermanart #sonomacounty #new #house
I love the beamed ceiling of this living room and the light blue walls. It's just so beautiful.
#beamedceiling #livingroom #livingroomlove #fireplacelove
I love the mix of black and white cabinets in this kitchen and how a beam was used to open the space.
#kitchendesign #whitecabinets #black cabinets #modern #modernkitchen #stainlesssteel #tile #whitecountertops
Finishing up one of the fire rebuild projects. The owner's cant wait to move in.