Mobile Shelter
One of the things about being a professional artist as well as an art-centric architect and designer is that you periodically get called upon to participate in a project that requires you to utilize your skills to tackle an unusual or atypical problem. In this case, I was called upon to help design a Mobile Shelter for the homeless in Sonoma County. In May of 2017 I exhibited my prototype that I called "Dorothy" at the Paul Mahder Gallery in Healdsburg, CA.
This design has been granted a design patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. As a result of the show my project was published in the Press Democrat. Click the link below to see the article.
Press Democrat Article - May 12, 2017
In addition to the article in the Press Democrat, I had the honor of being named the Best New Product category winner for the North Bay Business Journal's 2018 Maker Awards. For more information go to the article in The North Bay Business Journal.
North Bay Business Journal Article - August 20,2018
And as a result of being awarded the best new product by the North Bay Business Journal, I received a nice letter from California Senator Mike McGuire congratulating me on my project. I will continue to develop the idea further so be on the lookout!!